Nobody looks forward to the stress of a move. Long to-do lists, a seemingly impossible timeline, so many logistics — all of this can wreak havoc on your sense of peace and calm. But if you’ve made the decision to downsize a bit before you enlist the help of local or long distance movers (smart move!), it might serve you better to see this as an opportunity. There’s no better time to take stock of your belongings and only save space in your new abode for the things you can’t live without. Read on for a few tips on lightening your load before you make your move.

Set Aside Plenty of Time

Let’s face it — sorting through all of your items and deciding which ones to let go takes time. And by the time you start packing up your boxes, there’s often no chance to carefully consider which of your things are coming and which are staying. That’s why it’s important to make time for the decluttering process well before your move officially starts. Set aside a few hours here and there in the weeks leading up to your move, and be sure to factor in the time it takes to donate, sell, or get rid of the items you don’t end up keeping.

Have a Goal, a System, and a Reward

Are you hoping to get rid of half of your clothes? Or finally offload all of the things junking up your garage? Whatever it is you want to accomplish, be sure to set a clear goal and identify a reward that will help you keep your eyes on the prize. Even more important, you need to have a reliable system you can use so you don’t get overwhelmed. Make things easier by creating some space to sort things into piles: Keep, donate, recycle, trash. Move the things you are not going to keep out of your space ASAP so they don’t provide a stressful visual reminder.

Follow Some Basic Downsizing Strategies

Downsizing strategies have become all the rage lately, thanks in part to Marie Kondo, the organizing consultant, and the methods popularized by her Netflix show. Her main piece of advice is to keep only the things that bring joy to your life. Another tried-and-true approach is to consider whether you’ve used an item in the last 90 days, or anticipate using it in the next 90 days. If not, you likely won’t miss it, and should therefore get it off your hands. If 90 days seems like too short a time period for you, feel free to extend it to a year or whatever amount of time feels comfortable.

Use Storage to Your Advantage

Oftentimes, we’re hesitant to get rid of our belongings because we’re fearful we’ll need them again in the future and regret letting them go. A good way to test that theory is to opt for short-termstorage. Once your items have been stored out of sight for a long period, you may find that you forgot you even owned them and have already moved on from them emotionally. Storage can also help you remove items you’ve already decided you want from your environment so you can more easily focus on your downsizing efforts. Many companies, including Coleman Hawaii Movers, offer storage options as part of their moving services.

Make it Fun

Though decluttering sounds like a chore, it doesn’t have to be painful. Turn on some music while you work. Ask a friend to come help. Put on a movie to watch in the background, or crack a beer and make an evening of it. Give yourself plenty of breaks, and stop when you feel too overwhelmed or exhausted.

Coleman Hawaii Movers is one of the most reliable moving and storage companies in Hawaii. Count on us for affordable moving services that make your transition a breeze. Want to learn more and get a moving and storage estimate? Get in touch today.